Sunday Service
Sunday Service
All are welcome - come as you are! Contemporary worship, relevant Word of the Lord, personal ministry and prayer.
All are welcome - come as you are! Contemporary worship, relevant Word of the Lord, personal ministry and prayer.
With the area band - LIFTED, Friday, March 1st from 6 to 8 PM here at JoyCC - there will be a free meal and concert. It is for the whole family. There is babysitting available. So we know how many are coming, please sign up at
Easter Egg Hunt - Saturday, March 2nd, 11am to 1pm at Joy Community Church. For children up to the age of 12. Fun, gifts, and lots of candy!!! Please sign up at
Join your brothers and sisters in Jesus as we worship Him, pray to Him, listen to His words, bring our cares and concerns to Him! He wants us to spend time with each other also.
Annual Meeting - Sunday, March 3, 2024, immediately following the 9:30 service, in the sanctuary. The elders give the "State of Joy Community Church" presentation. They will touch on finances, vision, what's been accomplished, updates, etc. If there is a vote required, only members can vote but all are welcome to come and hear.
The Ladies are using the scriptures and also reading John Bevere's book Undercover.
The men are doing something unique. They are looking at all the books of the bible that have 24 chapters in them and are focusing on that chapter. Open for any man!
Men - it's time to stand up for the Kingdom of God. Come together with other men for prayer, encouragement, and worship and fellowship. Every second Saturday from 9:30am to 11:00am in the GNOC Youth Center.
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Psalm 127:3,4 We love children at Joy Community Church!!! We believe Jesus has a special purpose for each child and it's up to the parents to bring them up in […]
Join your brothers and sisters in Jesus as we worship Him, pray to Him, listen to His words, bring our cares and concerns to Him! He wants us to spend time with each other also.
The Ladies are using the scriptures and also reading John Bevere's book Undercover.
The men are doing something unique. They are looking at all the books of the bible that have 24 chapters in them and are focusing on that chapter. Open for any man!
Have you been water baptized since you asked Jesus into your heart? His desire is for us to leave our old life behind and to press forward in our new life in God. This class with Pastor Debra will answer any questions you may have regarding water baptism and prepare you for the water baptism […]
Hot meal served at Noon. Then groceries are distributed afterwards. Open to all.
SHAPE Seminar - Saturday, March 16th, 9am to 4pm at JoyCC - Do you know what your spiritual gifts are? Are you using them to strengthen the Kingdom of God? From the SHAPE material - "This journey you have decided to embark upon over this Saturday will allow you to discover your God-given design and the specific differences […]
Join your brothers and sisters in Jesus as we worship Him, pray to Him, listen to His words, bring our cares and concerns to Him! He wants us to spend time with each other also.
The Ladies are using the scriptures and also reading John Bevere's book Undercover.
The men are doing something unique. They are looking at all the books of the bible that have 24 chapters in them and are focusing on that chapter. Open for any man!
Hot meal served at Noon. Then groceries are distributed afterwards. Open to all.
Join your brothers and sisters in Jesus as we worship Him, pray to Him, listen to His words, bring our cares and concerns to Him! He wants us to spend time with each other also.
We follow Jesus' command in Matthew 28 - Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey […]
The Ladies are using the scriptures and also reading John Bevere's book Undercover.
The men are doing something unique. They are looking at all the books of the bible that have 24 chapters in them and are focusing on that chapter. Open for any man!
Hot meal served at Noon. Then groceries are distributed afterwards. Open to all.
Join your brothers and sisters in Jesus as we worship Him, pray to Him, listen to His words, bring our cares and concerns to Him! He wants us to spend time with each other also.
RESURRECTION SUNDAY!!! Come celebrate with us as we rejoice in our Lord's death, burial, and resurrection. He did it all for us! We will have special music from our choir and our children will be singing an arrangement in the service. Pastor James always comes up with a surprise object lesson for the children (and […]